Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy?
Let us help you.
You have three options for your unplanned pregnancy. One choice is to make an adoption plan for your child. We know the thought of adoption can be scary, but we provide a comprehensive explanation of your rights, the resources available, and Florida adoption law. Plus, you have access to professional counseling day or night for as long as you need us.
Choose the future you want them to have
No, we're here to help you look at your options. We want you to understand every aspect of adoption in Florida and not feel pressured by anyone. The choice is yours and yours alone. CFS is your safe place to talk and explore your options without fear or shame.
With open adoption, you choose the adoptive family and the level of openness you would like before and after the adoption finalizes. You determine how much identifying information to share. We will help you design your hospital plan and construct a Communications Agreement. We help you understand the legal guidelines for such agreements.
By Florida law, a mom cannot sign anything legally binding until at least 48 hours after the baby is born. Up until that time, whether during your pregnancy or at the hospital, you have the right to change your mind and decide to parent. We want to closely counsel you to ensure adoption is the right choice.

Client Reviews
"I was at peace, the family and I were at peace, and we were all at peace with God. It is truly hard to express in words the things that went on during that meeting. Words don't do it justice, really."