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What Is Adoption?

Adoption terminates expectant parents’ parental rights and responsibilities, which adoptive parents then legally assume. It is not co-parenting. It is a permanent decision.

Every adoption is unique. Potential adoptive parents must be approved through background checks, health evaluations, financial reports, a home study, references, and more. Expectant parents pay nothing for the assistance of CFS.

Why Would I Choose Adoption?

Women choose adoption for a variety of reasons. Do any of the following seem familiar?

  • I don’t have the financial or emotional support of the baby’s father or my parents.
  • I am in an unsafe relationship that would not benefit a child.
  • I’m already raising other children and don’t have the time or finances to care for one more.
  • This is not the right time for me to have a child.
  • My child deserves a stable, two-parent household. I want them to have more than I can provide.
  • I don’t want my child to wind up in foster care.
  • My health isn’t good, so I couldn’t properly care for a child.

Whatever your reasons, choosing to make an adoption plan doesn’t lessen the fact that you’re a mother or father. You recognize the need for someone else to parent your child. It is selfless, loving, and challenging at the same time.

What Are The Types of Adoption Plans?

There are three different adoption plans depending on how much privacy an expectant mother wants. You choose the plan that is best for you.

Open Adoption

The majority of adoptions today are open. Expectant mothers (and fathers, if available) review bios and choose the potential adoptive couple. Once matched, you exchange identifying information with them and agree to communicate regularly. You may share full names, addresses, phone numbers, and emails.

Semi-Open Adoption

This plan is similar to open adoption but gives you more privacy. You still select the potential adoptive couple, exchanging first names only. CFS handles any communication between you and the adoptive family.

Closed Adoption

For complete anonymity, choose a closed adoption. We select the adoptive family based on your requirements, but no identifying information is exchanged, and the courts seal the original birth records.

Is Making an Adoption Plan Right for Me?

Only you can determine if adoption is the right choice. Our counselors meet with you regularly to help you create a unique Pregnancy Plan that meets your needs. We want you to be confident in your decision.

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