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Usually, a late period is the first sign of pregnancy. However, you can experience a change in your menstrual cycle for several reasons. Stress, increased exercise, rapid weight gain or loss, and a hormonal imbalance can all cause a change.

See if you are experiencing any of these other early pregnancy symptoms.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Each pregnancy is unique. Some women experience every symptom from the beginning, while others experience nothing for weeks or even months. Symptoms can also vary from pregnancy to pregnancy.

Here are seven of the most common pregnancy symptoms:

1. Missed Period

If you usually have irregular periods, this symptom may not be a good indication of pregnancy.

2. Frequent Urination

During pregnancy, your kidneys process extra fluid in your bladder, requiring frequent trips to the bathroom.

3. Nausea (With or Without Vomiting)

“Morning sickness” can happen at any time, and it is a common pregnancy symptom for many women.

4. Fatigue

Many women feel tired during their first trimester, likely due to increased progesterone.

5. Sore and Swollen Breasts

Your breasts become more tender during pregnancy. The soreness fades as your body gets used to the increased hormones.

6. Moodiness

Mood swings are normal during pregnancy. However, if you feel anxious or depressed, speak to your healthcare provider for advice and professional referrals.

7. Food Cravings or Aversions

Some women begin to crave certain foods or feel constantly hungry. Other foods might suddenly taste or smell unpleasant.

What Should I Do?

Your first step is to confirm you are pregnant. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists estimates as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in early miscarriage. That is over one in every four!

You need a pregnancy test and a limited obstetrical ultrasound to confirm if your pregnancy is growing or if you have miscarried. Keep in mind that it takes a woman’s body time to return to pre-pregnancy hormone levels. It is possible to get a positive test result after a miscarriage. For that reason, you should also have an ultrasound.

How Can Christian Family Services Help Me?

At Christian Family Services, we network with local pregnancy resource centers offering free pregnancy services to help you confirm your pregnancy. Here are a few we recommend:

We have four convenient locations in Florida. Find the one nearest you and give us a call. You can also schedule an appointment online.

Once you’ve confirmed your pregnancy, we can discuss your situation and options. We’re here for you. Let us know how we can help.

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