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Football is a “BIG THING” in Florida! Our state has produced loyal alumni who continue to support their school during fall football season, no matter where they currently reside. In Gainesville, Florida, specifically, non-profits are given opportunities for fundraising around scheduled games.

CampusView Church, where our offices are housed, hosts one of the largest fundraisers for CFS, called Game Day Parking. We are only 8 blocks from Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. The stadium is also called “The Swamp,” and is widely recognized as one of, if not the toughest, environments for a visiting team in all of college football. Several facelifts after the stadium’s original construction in 1930 have made Florida Field at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium the state-of-the-art facility you see at today’s game. Without a bad seat in the house, “The Swamp” ranks as the largest stadium in the state of Florida. (Some sources say The Swamp can hold over 90,000 people!

Game Day Parking offered pre-sales of season passes in 2019, beginning with the Orange & Blue game! Gator fans take advantage of the season pass option as their space is reserved until kick-off! Gators and their competitors who park at Game Day Parking for the season OR for a single game enjoy tail-gating on the property, and indoor restrooms are available until kick-off.

ALL the proceeds of the Game Day Parking Fundraiser assist women in Florida who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy! Funds provide options counseling for their baby. Adoption in Florida requires agencies to be licensed. Game Day Parking provides the essential funds to keep our license current, our phones available for expectant mothers to call or text case workers, and fuel for our case-workers’ vehicles to meet with Birth Mothers wherever they may be in Florida!

Because CFS is a non-profit adoption agency, we seek qualified families to adopt who may not have a huge income. Fundraisers are vital to CFS to help us reach women with unplanned pregnancies and provide them families to place their child with.

If 0.23% of the people who gather at The Swamp park their vehicle at Game Day Parking, our lot would sell out. One day of proceeds from a “sell-out” would provide funds to keep THIS blog viewable, the CFS website and advertising in place for two months (so we can REACH women considering newborn adoption).

NOW you know how FOOTBALL assists women who need pregnancy help and may be thinking they need to give their baby up for adoption to provide the child a better situation.

Expectant mothers who want to know more about adoption for their child are welcome to reach out to a caseworker. Thanks to Game Day Parking, our phone lines are available!

Unplanned pregnancy? Only YOU can decide to make an adoption plan for your baby.  Call CFS toll-free at 800-226-2367 or text us at 352-600-2138.

Know my state.
Know my options.