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We are reminded at this time of year that God gave His very best and Christ gave His all for each one of us. It is difficult to imagine God loving us so much that He would sacrificially GIVE the sinful world His only son. Yes, He knew that in the greater scheme of things He would get him back in 30+ years, but can you imagine what it was like at the time of separation and during the interim years?

Women with an unplanned pregnancy find themselves in a similar situation. They already love their baby more that words can express. They absolutely want the very best for their child. She also wants to satisfy her own desire to love and parent this child. What’s a mother to do when all of these factors cannot be satisfied the same?

Scripture says, “God so loved the world that He GAVE…” The expectant mothers that you enable CFS to work with often demonstrate that same kind of sacrificial love. They know it’s going to hurt, that the pain will be more than anything they have experienced before. They know that there will always (at least for 18 years), be a tremendous void in their life. Yet, like God, they sacrificially choose to make an adoption plan for their child. The desire for their child to have something more than they can provide, such as a mom and dad, a stable Christian home, and/or a better and safer growth environment is seen as being of greater value than their own personal desires.

So as we are enjoying this special time of year and reflect on the extent of God’s love for us, please continue to remember the expectant moms that you are blessing by your support of CFS.

Consider an end of the year gift to partner with CFS to show compassion towards Birth Mothers. Consider compassion over consumption during this Season of Giving. Donate now with a card via PayPal or send a gift postmarked no later than 12/31/2019 to CFS, 2720 SW 2nd Ave, Gainesville, Fl 32607.


Are you worried about an unplanned pregnancy? As an adoption agency in Florida, we can help others due to compassionate donor support! We offer pregnancy help for expectant mothers, offering non-judgmental counseling.

Reach out to a counselor at CFS at 800-226-2367 or text us at 352-600-2138.

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