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Go GatorsDo you bleed Orange and Blue?

Do you have season tickets to UF’s Gator Football games? If so, you will need a place to park. Consider Game Day Parking, where your fee supports a non-profit agency!

CFS assists women who need help during an unplanned pregnancy. We are a local adoption agency near you. We live in Florida, and serve women in Florida.

One of the offices of CFS is at CampusView Church, in Gainesville, Florida.  The parking lot is only 8 blocks from Ben Hill Griffin Stadium.   It is the perfect place for football fans of both teams to park!

Did you know “The Swamp” ranks as the largest stadium in the state of Florida. (Some sources say The Swamp can hold over 90,000 people.)

In the past, Gator fans like to purchase a Season Parking Pass so they enjoy a reserved space until kick-off! Football fans who park atGame Day Parking can tail-gate on the property, and have access to restrooms until until kick-off.

ALL the proceeds of the Game Day Parking Fundraiser assist women in Florida who are in need of pregnancy help! Funds provide options counseling for women, for them to consider putting their baby up for adoption.

As a Florida Adoption Agency, CFS is licensed to provide “adoption in Florida.” Game Day Parking provides the essential funds to keep our license current, our phones available for expectant mothers to call or text caseworkers, and fuel for our caseworkers’ vehicles to meet with Expectant Moms – and Dads! – in need of pregnancy help in Florida!

Because CFS is a non-profit adoption agency, we seek qualified families to adopt who may not have a huge income. Fundraisers are vital to CFS to help us reach women with unplanned pregnancies and provide them families to place their child with.

Whether a woman wants to give baby up for adoption to provide the child a better life, or if she is not ready to parent, this football fundraiser provides her emotional support during a difficult time in her life.

Remember, Football is a “BIG THING” in Florida! Our state has produced loyal alumni who continue to support their school during fall football season, no matter where they currently reside. Christian Family Services has also found that loyal season parking pass holders are also committed to park on this lot because they want to help others!! Many of the Gator fans who park here could park anywhere, but want to assist with this fundraiser.

NOW you know how FOOTBALL gives a woman the option of adoption for her child.

Expectant mothers who want to know more about adoption for their child are welcome to reach out to a caseworker. Thanks to Game Day Parking, our phone lines are available! A caseworker from CFS is ready to speak with you at 800-226-2367 or by text 352-600-2138.

Do you need to consider putting your newborn up for adoption? Are you pregnant or have a newborn in Dunnellon, Silver Springs Shores, McIntosh, Reddick, Belleview, Anthony, or Ocala;  Baldwin, Atlantic Beach, St. Augustine, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, Hastings, Nocatee or Jacksonville; Woodville, Crawfordville, Wakulla Springs, Havana, Miccosukee, Wacissa St. Marks or Tallahassee; Alachua, Micanopy, High Springs, Melrose, Keystone Heights, Newberry, Archer, Hawthorne, La Crosse, Lake Butler, Waldo or Gainesville? I hope the knowledge that someone cares about you and your child will give you the strength to reach out to a CFS Caseworker to see what your pregnancy options are!

UNDERSTANDING POSITIVE ADOPTION LANGUAGE: Blog posts of CFS are written using words people search for if they are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. To reach women and provide options to them, we use language our SEO agency suggests, not the positive adoption language we prefer to use! We consider women making an adoption plan as wanting to place her child with an adoptive family, but many times she first uses words like “give my baby up” for adoption when searching the internet.

Know my state.
Know my options.