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Summer graduation at Florida Colleges and Universities are in full swing. Among those receiving the diploma they have worked for are individuals who have realized life events that have molded them. No matter how hard the life event was, they would not be who they are unless they had lived through it.

One such recent graduate found herself with an unplanned pregnancy early in her college career. Her faith strengthened her resolve to carry her child to term. The pregnancy wasn’t easy to share with parents, or grandparents, or the Birth Father. Knowing the right thing to do isn’t always popular, either. Yet, she chose life for her child, and a family to raise her child.

It’s been a few years now since our recent college graduate placed her child with an adoptive family. Not only were we happy to hear of her success in the classroom, we also rejoice with the relationship she has with the adoptive family. The adoptive mother recently shared:

There are so many misconceptions about birth moms and adoption in general. Our birth mom is an exceptional young lady with a heart for God and immeasurable love for our daughter. Her choice for adoption was an act of selfless love. She continues to inspire me with her perseverance and determination to create the best life for herself.

She graduates from college on August 4th and I couldn’t be more proud. The two of us share a very special bond like nothing I ever could have imagined. I can’t wait to see the next chapter unfold for her as she chases her dreams. I love her dearly and I’m blessed to have her in our family.

The day we left the hospital with our baby girl, my husband told our birth mother’s father that we were not “taking” this baby from his family; instead we were joining our families together. And we have done just that. Our birth mom’s entire family has embraced us as their own. In a sense, they have adopted our family as well. They have welcomed our boys into the family and treated them just the same as their other grandchildren.

Our baby girl is blessed with not just a birth mom who loves her but with grandparents, great grandparents, aunts and cousins who love her as well. I never imagined that this is how our adoption journey would unfold. I didn’t think adoption could be this beautiful but I know that it is because of our families’ common love for the Lord and love for our precious daughter that has made it possible. God’s unseen hand guided this journey from the beginning. We praise our Father for the gifts we’ve been given. Our birth mom is an incredible blessing!

As we rejoice with the graduates as they walk across the stage to receive their diploma, let us also celebrate their life accomplishments that had nothing to do with preparing for an exam in a course of study. In the case of this very special graduate, we celebrate her selfless decision, and the love she continues to share with one very, special, daughter.

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