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Unplanned pregnancy and Florida

Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy?  Are you in the state of Florida? Caseworkers at CFS are here for you AND, we are here to “hear” you! We listen to what a woman or man facing an unplanned pregnancy want for their baby.

Confidential counsel, combined with years of experience, will provide you with moral support and non-judgmental guidance. Our caseworkers are prepared to recognize the emotions you may experience during this time in your life.

Pregnancy Support from CFS Caseworkers

A year ago Kim Tang returned to CFS as a Caseworker.  In the past year, she has ministered to women with an unplanned pregnancy, just as she did during her first time at CFS while in graduate school. In her role as counselor to women who choose to place their child for adoption, this writer has witnessed Kim’s care and concern for others.  Kim provides follow up care to women who have become Birth Moms through adoption in Florida.

Matches Made In Heaven – CFS Family Times Spring 2023

WHO is responsible for matching Birth and Adoptive families for the benefit of the baby?

Her Story

CFS Caseworkers talked with Annalise, a young mom with an unplanned pregnancy. They learned more about her and her current circumstances, and told her about the option of adoption.

Affect of Overturning Roe vs Wade on CFS

God Makes the Connection – CFS Family Times Spring 2022

CFS gets our fair share of interesting calls. It is this same immediate access to a “real” person that allows CFS Caseworkers to assist women who have an unplanned pregnancy. Giving Help, Giving Hope, because of YOU!

Journey to Waylon Michael: Part 9 – Our Story

I totally believe that God always has a plan for our lives.  If you would have told me 10 years ago that my basketball teammate from high school would end up handing me our Waylon, I would have laughed. There is a reason that God places things on our heart and there is always a

Journey to Waylon Michael: Part 4 – The Call

The girls and I had just walked into Aikman’s Wildlife with my friend Melissa and her kids when Jasmine starts calling. Now remember, Jasmine and I have been texting and talking on the phone for months now. So, I assumed this was just another call to catch up and talk for a while. I told

The Journey to Waylon Michael: Parts 1 & 2

Part 1- The Beginning For as long as I can remember, Michael and I have always wanted to adopt. After I had Lucy, I started researching and reaching out to people who had adopted. There are many ways to go about adoption. You can adopt internationally, go through foster care, or adopt within the United

God is Still Good – CFS Family Times Newsletter 2022

Because of your prayers and support, CFS was able to work with women in search of options for an unplanned pregnancy. Not Birth Control. Not Medical Help. Free, non judgmental guidance for an unplanned pregnancy.

Know my state.
Know my options.