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Her Story

CFS Caseworkers talked with Annalise, a young mom with an unplanned pregnancy. They learned more about her and her current circumstances, and told her about the option of adoption.

Adoption in Florida – the Journey of an Expectant Mom

Without an expectant mother who makes an adoption plan, there would be no adoption! Many times, the birth mom becomes an afterthought in the adoption process. Many assume “she didn’t want her baby, it was an unplanned pregnancy anyway. She’s fine living her life now.” My prayer is that Deana’s* story changes that for you.

Our Journey with CFS

Our journey was very God-controlled. When we knew He was directing us toward adoption, we began Googling different agencies and quickly became overwhelmed at the many options. This led us to set the computer down, confused about finding the best decision and questioning how we were supposed to know what God would want from us.

The Story of Hazel

Arthur and I knew early in our dating relationship that we would one day plan to adopt. We could not have fathomed the journey God would lead us on. When we were ready, we researched adoption agencies in our community and knew CFS would be a great fit. We adopted our son, Sam, in early

Journey to Waylon Michael: Part 9 – Our Story

I totally believe that God always has a plan for our lives.  If you would have told me 10 years ago that my basketball teammate from high school would end up handing me our Waylon, I would have laughed. There is a reason that God places things on our heart and there is always a

Journey to Waylon Michael: Part 8 – Coming Home

The day I knew Michael and Waylon were finally coming home seemed like the longest day ever.  Michael flew with Waylon from Florida to St. Louis.  Then he had a 2-hour drive home.  He got home in the evening and we were finally all reunited and the girls got to meet and hold Waylon for

Journey to Waylon Michael: Part 7 – Michael’s Traveling Experience

What an experience today. I woke up in Sarasota, Florida with a 2-week old by my side and tonight we are home for good. The little guy did amazing and I got to see the good in people all day today. We had a 2-hour car ride to the Orlando Airport, 2.5 hours at the

Journey to Waylon Michael: Part 6 – Traveling & Florida

We had decided that the best and easiest plan for our traveling was to both travel down together, then I would leave on Sunday to get back home to the girls.  Addi and Lucy started school the day we left for Florida.  That was so hard.  Addi was starting her first year of kindergarten, so

Journey to Waylon Michael: Part 5 – Meeting Waylon

I wish I could properly explain the feelings Michael and I had as we were driving to our adoption agency, CFS. We were so nervous – our stomachs were in knots. Jasmine told us baby boy wouldn’t be there yet because the Cradle Family had stuff going on, so we thought we were going to

Journey to Waylon Michael: Part 4 – The Call

The girls and I had just walked into Aikman’s Wildlife with my friend Melissa and her kids when Jasmine starts calling. Now remember, Jasmine and I have been texting and talking on the phone for months now. So, I assumed this was just another call to catch up and talk for a while. I told

Know my state.
Know my options.