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I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you so much for all you did for Tara during the last few months. The care, concern and love you extended to Tara was very much appreciated. Those were very lonely and difficult months for Tara as she carried the burden of the pregnancy on her own. I am so glad the Lord led her to your organization. I was very pleased with the dedicated service.

It was extremely difficult emotionally but your kindness and assurances eased the pain.

I want you to know that Tara and I have a deep sense of peace about Danny and Yolanda. I feel that Nathan will be raised in a warm, safe and loving environment and be given many opportunities.

This situation has brought Tara back to God and made her realize she has some issues she needs to address. She is receiving counseling and I know that the Lord will work in her life. I have drawn my strength from Him as well. I am very proud of the way Tara handled the situation.

She didn’t take the easy way out, but instead sought to do what was right.

Linda, Tara’s Mother

Names changed for privacy

Unplanned Pregnancy? Do you live in Florida? We have a reputation around the state of being readily accessible 24/7 by voice @ 800.226.2367 or text @ 352.600.2138

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