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Christian Adoption AgencyDid the prego test show “positive?” Is this an unplanned pregnancy? Unsure how you feel about this news?

There are options for your unplanned pregnancy here in Florida. The news is full of ideas on termination, but do you know there are pregnancy resources to assist you?

As a Christian Adoption agency in Florida, CFS (CFS) interacts with women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. CFS caseworkers have already offered pregnancy options to around 138 women this year. Several women had family support, or the support of a partner, and chose to parent. We feel blessed to have met these ladies. They brought a new life into the world and felt ready to be a mom with their support system in place.

There were 6 women who chose to place their child with an adoptive family and 3 who chose to enact the Safe Haven Law. CFS caseworkers met with the 6 expectant moms during their pregnancy, discussing what adoption looks like. We continue to meet with them after they placed their child with an adoptive family.

Do you wonder if adoption is right for you and your baby? Just because you contact a CFS Caseworker does not mean you have to know whether you definitely want to make an adoption plan or not. You’re just getting information and trying to understand the process.

CFS is a ministry to women and men with unplanned pregnancy. We have a large donor base who want YOU to have ALL of the options for your baby. Because of generous donors, CFS caseworkers meet with women who choose adoption after she delivers her baby! If allowed, we are WITH expectant moms during delivery in the hospital.

There are many out of state adoption agencies advertising in the state of Florida. They want you to work with them because of the laws in our state.  Agencies do not always tell you they are not in state. Consider this checklist to determine if an agency is in or out of Florida:

___ A Social Worker will be available to me throughout my pregnancy journey.

___ A Social Worker will meet with me in person to make an adoption plan and sign paperwork.

___ A Social Worker will provide community resources for me, should I choose to parent.

___ Once I agree to an adoption plan, the agency offers financial support and provides emotional support.

___ No matter the outcome, the agency is available to me to discuss my concerns.

___ A Social Worker will be able to meet with me throughout my adoption journey.

___ A Social Worker will meet with me in person following signing of consents to support me and discuss my concerns; financial assistance continues until the deadline set forth by the State of Florida.

If you can answer YES to each question, you are working with a local adoption agency in Florida.  If the majority of your discussions take place by phone, text, Zoom or FaceTime, you are probably interacting with an agency in another state.

CFS counselors are ready to assist you with your pregnancy options, whether you live in Baldwin, Atlantic Beach, St. Augustine, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, Hastings, Nocatee, Dunnellon, Silver Springs Shores, McIntosh, Reddick, Belleview, Anthony, Ocala, Jacksonville, Woodville, Crawfordville, Wakulla Springs, Havana, Miccosukee, Wacissa St. Marks, Tallahassee, Alachua, Micanopy, High Springs, Melrose, Keystone Heights, Newberry, Archer, Hawthorne, La Crosse, Lake Butler, Waldo or Gainesville, Florida or anywhere in between!

We are a Christian Adoption Agency, we are IN FLORIDA! We know Christian Adoptions in Florida.

We are ready to answer your call or text to discuss judgment free options with you. Consider your options for your unplanned pregnancy. Speak with us 24/7 by voice @ 8002262367 or
text in your area: 352.378.6202




UNDERSTANDING POSITIVE ADOPTION LANGUAGE: Blog posts of CFS are written using words people search for if they are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. To reach women and provide options to them, we use language our SEO agency suggests, not the positive adoption language we prefer to use! We consider women making an adoption plan as wanting to place her child with an adoptive family, but many times she first uses words like “give my baby up” for adoption.

Know my state.
Know my options.