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Make an Appointment

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Adoption isn’t a one-time event. It is a lifetime journey for everyone involved. If you are choosing to place your child for adoption, the earliest you can sign the consent to adopt is 48 hours after giving birth.

Every state has different laws regarding adoption, and adoption agencies can vary in their processes. Here is more information about making an adoption plan through Christian Family Services (CFS).

How Do I Know If Adoption Is Right For Me?

We understand how difficult choosing adoption can be for any woman. Our adoption caseworkers thoroughly counsel expectant women to ensure they understand the process completely.

We don’t pressure anyone, and there are no hidden surprises during adoption planning. Adoption is complex, but you will have full knowledge of what it means to “terminate your parental rights, sign the consent for adoption, and other terms.”

We want you to know what to expect before you enter the hospital to give birth. If there is anything you do not understand, we take the time to answer your questions.

Placing your child for adoption is your decision. We want to ensure you have the knowledge to make that decision confidently.

Getting the Assistance You Need

Once you have determined to move forward, we have you sign a nonbinding Adoption Agreement. This agreement lets us begin offering the services we provide.

Here’s a list of some of the free services we offer expectant women placing their children for adoption:

  • Prenatal medical care
  • Food and financial support
  • Safe housing
  • Transportation assistance
  • Emotional guidance
  • Pregnancy resources

Every pregnancy and adoption situation is unique. Your needs may be different from someone else. We tailor our services to meet your specific health and welfare.

Choosing the Potential Adoptive Parents

Choosing who will parent your child is your most important decision. We have many waiting families qualified to adopt.

At CFS, we listen to what you want in an adoptive family. The things that are essential to you should also be important to them. Once we determine your requirements, we present profile books for you to review based on those preferences.

After selecting a couple, we can arrange a meeting either in person or on a Zoom call. You determine if you want them there at the hospital during delivery or how you wish to place your child with the family.

Together, you and the couple you’ve chosen can determine how much contact you wish to have with one another moving forward.

Our Commitment to You

We have several locations, but if none of them are convenient, we’ll come to you. We can arrange to meet in a nearby coffee shop, park, or wherever you’re most comfortable. You are our priority.

Only you can determine if adoption is the right choice. Our counselors meet with you regularly to help you create a life plan that meets your needs. We promise to walk with you through every step of that plan and beyond.

Contact us online or call or text to arrange a meeting. How can we help you today?

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