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Part of my job as a caseworker is helping clients with transportation. The car ride gives us a chance to talk and build our relationship in a more natural, casual setting.

A shot of a pregnant woman carrying her child’s ultrasound picture

Recently, a client invited me back for her ultrasound. I’ve seen an ultrasound printout before, but I’m always that person who asks what part is what 100 times before just nodding along and pretending I can tell what a long and beautiful pinky toe the baby has. Viewing the ultrasound in person was so much different than a photo.

I watched a 15-week baby move inside his/her mother’s womb. Let me tell ya, it was INCREDIBLE! As I watched that precious child twist and turn, kick, suck their thumb, and even scratch themself, I couldn’t help but wonder how people say a fetus isn’t a life.

Truth be told, I think this baby is more active than me!

While I realize I’m not the most well traveled person, I have been to enough places to see some truly breathtaking sights. I’m also a big sucker for sunsets. Whether over a cornfield, the ocean, a mountain, or even a valley on a safari, I’ve watched my fair share. However, none of those beautiful sights or colorful sunsets can even come close to the pure, breathtaking awe of watching that black and white ultrasound of that unborn child.

I grew up knowing God made man in His image. I always wondered why He called man “really good” and everything else merely “good.” To me, everything else is just so much more beautiful. Now, however, I think I might just understand a small part of what God saw in His “really good” creation.

If you’re wondering what exactly God is doing at CFS, I can attest He is not only creating life, but also saving life as we counsel women with unplanned pregnancies. God is providing an alternative to an otherwise bleak circumstance that may very well have ended in death.

This mom, for example, heavily considered abortion, and at 15 weeks she still had the legal right to do so, but God intervened through CFS. She, along with so many other women, discovered she had another option for her unborn child. One that results in life!

Now her child will have the opportunity to grow up in a Christian home. Now her child has the opportunity to be used for God’s Kingdom. Now her child has the opportunity to live. Now her child has the opportunity to be “Really Good.”

Thank you, Jasmine, a case worker for CFS for sharing your experience!

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