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Unplanned pregnancy? CFS caseworkers want to help you. We would like to talk about the options you have for this baby. Do you want to parent? Let us help you find community resources. Do you want to discuss adoption? We are ready to prepare you, as best we can, on what that looks like for you.

Choosing who will parent your child may seem frightening. We can assure you, to the best of our knowledge, that your child is placed in a SAFE and loving home. As a private adoption agency in Florida, we require more personal references from families than the state requires. We want to know as much as we can about couples wanting to adopt.

Also, Adoption agencies in Florida must abide by regulations from Florida Statute 63. Our state wants to know that people who want to adopt are healthy, have the finances to provide for a child, and have clear background screens.

Each CFS waiting adoptive family has a valid Home Study. A Home Study is written by an Adoption Case Worker. We require two in home visits before the Home Study is approved. It must be updated annually until a family receives a newborn into their home for adoption. Adoptive families create a profile book to share with Expectant Mothers who are looking for families for their baby.

As an adoption agency near me, we provide financial assistance to women with adoption plans. We can assist with housing, transportation, phones, food and clothes. When you choose a local adoption agency, like CFS, we want to meet with you on a regular basis. We care about you and your needs. Unplanned pregnancy help includes counseling. We discuss your support system, should you parent. Your desires for your child’s family are considered, if you choose adoption.

Teen pregnancy help begins with a text or phone call, and you may do so knowing that your information is confidential.

Unplanned Pregnancy? Do you live in Florida? We have a reputation around the state of being readily accessible 24/7 by voice @ 800.226.2367 or text @ 352.600.2138

Know my state.
Know my options.