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When I began my employment at CFS, I thought “it’s an adoption agency.” You know,

that’s where people who can’t have a child go to adopt one. 

I didn’t realize at that time that it is so much more.

CFS is a local ministry to women in Florida with an unplanned pregnancy. What are the options for her?  She can get rid of the pregnancy by termination.  She can parent her child. She can place her child with a qualified adoptive family.

Support in Emotional Form

When an expectant woman contacts a local adoption agency like CFS, she will be listened to by each staff member! As the staff person answering the phone, I may be the first person a woman with an unplanned pregnancy speaks to.  There may be tears! She may be afraid! I have noticed that women looking for a safe option for their baby are determined to learn more about Florida adoption prior to making an adoption plan.

ALL of the options for her pregnancy will be explored. She may choose to get rid of the pregnancy. While we cannot assist with this option, we remain available for her should she have emotional needs. She may choose to parent. We offer the resources from the community for her to consider. If neither option is works for her, adoption is explored.

CFS have two are licensed clinical social workers on staff.  They listen to the thoughts, concerns and pain a pregnant mom experiences.   CFS caseworkers are near by.  WE are local! We are ready to visit women in person, by text, call, or FaceTime!

Not the State

CFS is licensed by the State of Florida as a Child Placing Agency, but we are a Private agency. Our budget is provided by donors, grants and fundraisers.  Caseworkers and staff must abide by guidelines set forth by the state of Florida for couples wanting to adopt. That means we offer Florida women with an unplanned pregnancy couples who have been screened, are healthy and financially capable of providing for a child. 

We like to get to know women with unplanned pregnancies so that we can offer her couples who share her interests. If expectant women choose to give up their baby for adoption, we want to make sure she is happy with the family!

Help for Women with Unplanned Pregnancies

As I learned my new role as Ministry Assistant, I was given a peek into the lives of women in difficult situations. I witnessed the compassion given by my coworkers to women during their unintended pregnancy; the need of the women were met, emotionally, spiritually and financially.

CFS remains in contact with a woman after the baby is placed with an adoptive family, helping them process adoption.

When I became part of the staff at CFS, I needed a full time job. As I have grown in my role here at CFS, I am humbled to witness a mom making a selfless choice for the sake of her child. I am thankful to be able to assist her, in some small way, through carrying out my duties as a staff member.

Why CFS? Because I am allowed to help women who are in a difficult situation.

Unplanned Pregnancy? Do you live in Florida? We have a reputation around the state of being readily accessible 24/7 by voice @800.226.2367 or text @ 352.378.6202

UNDERSTANDING POSITIVE ADOPTION LANGUAGE: Blog posts of CFS are written using words people search for if they are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. To reach women and provide options to them, we use language our SEO agency suggests, not the positive adoption language we prefer to use! We consider women making an adoption plan as wanting to place her child with an adoptive family, but many times she first uses words like “give my baby up” for adoption.

Know my state.
Know my options.