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How can a woman be both pregnant and mad? Not really difficult. Read on.

Anger About Pregnancy

“I’m mad-I’m pregnant!”

“I don’t want to figure out what to do with a baby! I’ll find a way to pay for an abortion-he will help me.”

Are you a woman in Florida who took a home pregnancy test? A positive pregnancy test may show a plus sign in the window, or 2 double lines. Each one is different and the box it comes in will tell you how to read it.

If it shows that you are pregnant, are you angry? Are you angry with him, for forcing you into sex? Angry with yourself for giving in, just this time? Sure, maybe you enjoyed your time with him, but the rage you feel is about the baby you may have to carry.

Birth Control Failure

“The birth control failed!”

“But I used protection. I’m still pregnant!”

Yeah, it happens. You or the guy you were with took time. You considered your actions. You planned and got supplies, or you were already on meds to keep it from happening. The enjoyable time you’ve spent together, knowing the protection was there, leads to outrage with the morning sickness. You don’t think life is fair. You did everything right. You followed the rules. The outcome was still the same!

Baby or Abortion?

You may be angry and disappointed that you are pregnant-what will you do? Are you ready to be a mom? This is a valid option. Many women carry their babies. They are loved and supported by the baby’s dad. Many families come together to support a woman in the family during times like this.  You may not be ready to parent on your own, but with support of family, there is a way.

Are you pissed off that he got you pregnant, and now won’t respond to your texts? Did he not care? Or, did he tell you to get an abortion? Did he offer to help pay for an abortion? Again, if you have family support, you can still parent.  

Did you know there is an opportunity for your baby to live, even if you do not want to parent? Adoption in Florida looks different than it used to. You can talk about adoption with a Caseworker at CFS. We are here for expectant mothers, like you! We can provide opportunities for your unplanned pregnancy and talk about what that looks like for you.

No Judgment – No Pressure

CFS Caseworkers know a woman who did not intend to be pregnant may be angry: at herself, at her guy, at life, in general! You may not have thought about it, but what would adoption look like for you and your child?  You will not be forced or made to give up your baby. Let us help you know more.

Across North Central Florida, or anywhere in Florida, we are ready to text or speak with you.

“Give up my baby Jacksonville”“Give up my baby Gainesville” “Give up my baby Ocala” “Give up my baby Tallahassee” “Adoption Agency Jacksonville” “Adoption Agency Gainesville” “Adoption Agency Ocala” “Adoption Agency Tallahassee”

Unplanned Pregnancy? Do you live in Florida? We have a reputation around the state of being readily accessible 24/7 by voice @800.226.2367 or text @ 352.378.6202

UNDERSTANDING POSITIVE ADOPTION LANGUAGE: Blog posts of CFS are written using words people search for if they are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. To reach women and provide options to them, we use language our SEO agency suggests, not the positive adoption language we prefer to use! We consider women making an adoption plan as wanting to place her child with an adoptive family, but many times she first uses words like “give my baby up” for adoption.

Know my state.
Know my options.