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 I want for you to know that I’m very grateful for all you’re doing for me. I miss Cara so much. I’ve been thinking about her so much. Yes, this is an experiment as well as an experience, honestly. I’ve truly changed from this. I’m glad that I’ve changed, but upset that it took this. I don’t get out of prison for 3 years. I sold drugs to an undercover agent within 1,000 feet of a school. But, I’m glad this happened to me now instead of later down the road.

I’m now closer to the Lord than I’ve ever been. I’m blessed to still be alive. I know this, and the Lord has been too good to me and my family. So, now I feel it’s time to do His will that He wants for me to do. It’s time to give Him all the praises and thanks that I can. I know that I’ve got a real good testimony to share with others.

Thank you so much for blessing me with the gift to still have a connection with my beautiful daughter.

I’m glad to hear that I should be getting some pictures and a letter soon. I’m excited to get them and see how much she’s grown. I bet she has grown up so much. I would really like to see you as well. I’m so happy and at peace now that I’ve gotten in contact with you.

I would really like to build a blessed friendship with [the adoptive parents] too! Let them know that they are very important to me as well as Cara, for they are also helping me mentally. They might not realize it, they mean a lot too! You’re in my prayers. Also Cara and her [adoptive] family as well. Thank you for the support.

-Samantha, Birth Mom

Names changed for privacy

Facing legal trouble with her other kids in foster care, Samantha chose adoption through CFS for her baby. This allowed her to receive pictures and letters of Cara as she grew up! Samantha treasured these updates, always sending a return letter to both CFS and the adoptive family. If Samantha had not elected for private adoption, her baby would have been in DCF custody and she would have been left wondering what her daughter looked like, how she was developing, and if she was safe and happy. As you read above, choosing a semi-open adoption plan had a great and positive impact on her life!

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