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Love is the Reason

It’s difficult for most to imagine, much less contemplate, making the tough decision to either abort a pregnancy, or to give life. For many women, this is the first time that Abortion has become a very real option. It doesn’t matter that they are Christians and have been Pro-Life. This is a crisis!

Local Adoption Agencies

CFS is a licensed agency-serving women in Florida, and only Florida, because we are in Florida! A CFS Caseworker is on call days, nights and weekends so you can reach us when you need us. Teen pregnancy? Pregnant and considering adoption? We are here to discuss what parenting or adoption for your unplanned pregnancy looks like.

Unplanned Pregnancy-and now this?

The blog posts on this site try to reach women who have found themselves with an unplanned pregnancy. Expectant Mothers who are unsure how they will provide for another baby, we invite you to consider adoption. Our nonprofit ministry offers free counsel to Florida women, and men, during an unplanned pregnancy. Expectant Mothers who choose to make an adoption plan can receive help with living expenses during the pregnancy and up to 6 weeks after delivery.

I’m Pregnant

Placing a child for adoption is not “just about the baby.” It is about the expectant mom. CFS has worked with over 500 women who made the difficult and selfless decision to place their baby for adoption. In each case, we aim to build a relationship full of love, trust and respect.

Know my state.
Know my options.