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Terri was 18 when she made an adoption plan for her child with CFS.  She had not seen the father of her baby for months and didn’t know his name. The information she shared with a CFS Caseworker mentioned she was basically healthy, didn’t drink or use drugs, and that yes, she did smoke. 

Terri had a job. While she was currently a receptionist, she was interested in joining the military! No one in her family knew of her pregnancy. She stated she was too young to keep the child and that she couldn’t afford the medical expenses. 

She did not know what type of family she wanted and wanted help from the CFS Caseworker to choose the family. 

Her son arrived several months later, weighting 6 pounds, and 5 ounces, 19 ¾” long, and was considered a “normal newborn.”

The adoptive parents sent a letter to Terri through this Florida adoption agency, allowing confidentiality AND communication between both birth and adoptive families. This is a shortened account of the letter:

“…your child is doing just fine. We will give him a good home and raise him to be a Christian. …we love him so much…”

The CFS Caseworker kept in touch with Terri, updating her on her child’s growth, sometimes sending photos. In turn, Terri also sent notes and letters to the adoptive family.

Years passed. This little boy grew up in a loving home.  Terri loved her son as well! She also continued to grow into an adult.  In 2018, she contacted CFS through our website, and shared:


When I was 18 in 1986 I gave birth to a son. He was adopted through your agency. My son, Aaron, and I met for the first time when he was 17 years old. He is now 31, married, and my daughter’s best friend. I just wanted to send a short note to thank your agency and all those who helped me get through a very difficult time in my life. Aaron’s adoptive parents were wonderful people, his father passed away, and his mother still loves him to no end. I am grateful for them most of all. I have since married, had two other children and moved to another state. I work with an agency that works with young people who have mental health issues and have aged out of foster care, ages 18-24. CFS not only saved my life but improved it as well.

Thank You so much.

We thank Terri for her willingness to share her story, and that she was able to re-connect with her son and his family!

Not all adoptions have such good outcomes, nor do all adoptions have trauma associated with them.  

If you want to hear how an adoption could work for you and your baby, contact a CFS Caseworker!  When you make an adoption plan, CFS will assist you with living expenses acceptable by Florida law. Let CFS help you during and after your unplanned pregnancy.

Are you, like Terri was, in Florida, and want to consider adoption for your baby? Reach out to CFS, a local adoption agency near you. We are ready to answer your call or text to discuss judgment free options with you. Consider your options for your unplanned pregnancy. Speak with us 24/7 by voice @ 8002262367 or text @ 3523786202

CFS counselors are ready to assist you with your pregnancy options, whether you live in Dunnellon, Silver Springs Shores, McIntosh, Reddick, Belleview, Anthony, Ocala, Baldwin, Atlantic Beach, St. Augustine, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, Hastings, Nocatee, Jacksonville, Woodville, Crawfordville, Wakulla Springs, Havana, Miccosukee, Wacissa St. Marks, Tallahassee, Alachua, Micanopy, High Springs, Melrose, Keystone Heights, Newberry, Archer, Hawthorne, La Crosse, Lake Butler, Waldo or Gainesville, Florida or anywhere in between!

UNDERSTANDING POSITIVE ADOPTION LANGUAGE: Blog posts of CFS are written using words people search for if they are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. To reach women and provide options to them, we use language our SEO agency suggests, not the positive adoption language we prefer to use! We consider women making an adoption plan as wanting to place her child with an adoptive family, but many times she first uses words like “give my baby up” for adoption.

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Know my options.