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Unplanned pregnancy? CFS caseworkers are here to answer any questions you may have about your options. We are ready to assist you now and throughout your pregnancy. For more information, you can call CFS toll-free at 800-226-2367 or text us at 352-600-2138.

How can we offer guidance and assistance to women who have discovered “I’m pregnant?” Women in need of pregnancy help not only need someone to listen to them. An unplanned pregnancy may mean she cannot work as many hours at her job. She may need help paying her rent, or keeping her car going, or making sure she has food to eat. While she may be determined to place her newborn for adoption, she may be caring for other children. CFS, as one of the adoption agencies in Florida, wants to be there to help an expectant mother. We are a non-profit adoption agency, and as such, are funded in many ways.

One way CFS can provide pregnancy help is due to Football Season at the University of Florida! Our main office is in Gainesville, Florida. We “get it” that the favorite colors in this town are Orange & Blue. We are only 8 blocks from Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, in CampusView Church, where one of the largest fundraisers for CFS is held: Game Day Parking.

This year, Game Day Parking experienced a record number of Season Pass Holders. These people know their parking fees go to help others, and also enjoy the space. We began offering daily reserved pass sales. Gators and their competitors alike went online to reserve spaces.

Can you believe it? We SOLD OUT for the University of Florida verses Auburn University, during Homecoming weekend of 2019! Let’s consider what this ONE day will mean for our non-profit adoption agency.

  • Funds from this one game will completely pay for our liability insurance for the year! This will comfort our clients knowing they are secure when meeting with us.
  • This weekend could fund Birth Mothers’ rent, AND utilities AND food (for the entire year)! *
  • One large expense to non-profits is mileage. Caseworkers offer pregnancy help to women wherever they are located so we must be ready to meet them. Thanks to a popular football game, mileage reimbursement would be covered for a year. *
  • Adoption in Florida requires agencies to be licensed. Game Day Parking provides the essential funds to keep our license current.
  • One day of parking will pay for 2 months of advertising to reach women with an unplanned pregnancy. +

NOW you know how FOOTBALL assists women who need pregnancy help.

Now that YOU know, what will you do?

Buy a daily or season parking pass for Game Day Parking?

Send support to continue to assist women considering adoption for their pregnancy?

Or, will you pass along the knowledge of this ministry to a woman
who needs to reach a CFS caseworker?

* Numbers are based on last years’ expenses for such items.
+ This references Search Engine Optimization, which includes this blog.

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