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Compassion for Birth Mothers

It is difficult to imagine God loving us so much that He would sacrificially GIVE the sinful world His only son. Women with an unplanned pregnancy find themselves in a similar situation. They already love their baby more that words can express. They absolutely want the very best for their child. She also wants to satisfy her own desire to love and parent this child. What’s a mother to do when all of these factors cannot be satisfied the same?

A Precious Life

Knowing all the unstated factors regarding an unplanned pregnancy, I choose to believe that God has a plan for this precious life – from conception. Not Perfect, but still A Wonderful World!

CFS Caseworkers are here for you!

The 1:30 am female caller was pregnant and needed guidance with an unplanned pregnancy. CFS has made a commitment to have a live person answer a call, text or chat any time, any day. As the CFS Caseworker on call, it was important for me to be ready for her…

Why should I work with your agency?

Adoption agencies are not all alike. Case Workers at CFS want to serve you, as an expectant mother with an unplanned pregnancy, and give you options for you and your baby.

Faith’s Journey – CFS Family Times Fall Newsletter

Faith had a selfless Birth Mother. You see, she, too, loved Faith, and recognized it was best that someone else raise her. Our Father saw and heard this Birth Mother’s prayer.

Unplanned Pregnancy

Women in need of pregnancy help not only need someone to listen to them. An unplanned pregnancy may mean she cannot work as many hours at her job. She may need help paying her rent, or keeping her car going, or making sure she has food to eat. While she may be determined to place her newborn for adoption, she may be caring for other children. CFS, as one of the adoption agencies in Florida, wants to be there to help an expectant mother.

Safe Haven and Unplanned Pregnancy

I recently shared the story of a Safe Haven for Newborns placement with a loved one. Their response brought me to the defense of women who are dealing with unplanned pregnancies!

Fundraisers and Unplanned Pregnancy

ALL the proceeds of the Game Day Parking Fundraiser assist women in Florida who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy! If 0.23% of the people who gather at The Swamp park their vehicle at Game Day Parking, our lot would sell out. One day of proceeds from a “sell-out” would provide funds to keep THIS blog viewable, the CFS website and advertising in place for two months (so we can REACH women considering newborn adoption).

Adoption In Her Words – Unplanned Pregnancy

I am a mother who actually went through the adoption process in order to give my beautiful baby girl the chance at the life she deserved. Adoption is not right for all mothers and in the end you really have to search your own feelings and pray for God’s guidance. Place it in God’s hands and you will know what is right for you.

In Her Words – from a Birth Mom

I am not saying my entire pregnancy was horrible, I had moments when I would look down and just praise God for the miracle inside of me. I knew (with God’s guidance) that adoption was the best option for her [my baby], my family, and me.

Know my state.
Know my options.