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Journey to Waylon Michael: Part 5 – Meeting Waylon

I wish I could properly explain the feelings Michael and I had as we were driving to our adoption agency, CFS. We were so nervous – our stomachs were in knots. Jasmine told us baby boy wouldn’t be there yet because the Cradle Family had stuff going on, so we thought we were going to

Journey to Waylon Michael: Part 4 – The Call

The girls and I had just walked into Aikman’s Wildlife with my friend Melissa and her kids when Jasmine starts calling. Now remember, Jasmine and I have been texting and talking on the phone for months now. So, I assumed this was just another call to catch up and talk for a while. I told

Journey to Waylon Michael: Part 3 – Waiting

If you have gone through the adoption process, you must be patient. One thing I am not good at is being patient. We knew that CFS could call us at anytime saying that there is a baby for us. There was the scenario where birth mom picks us, and she is due in a few

The Journey to Waylon Michael: Parts 1 & 2

Part 1- The Beginning For as long as I can remember, Michael and I have always wanted to adopt. After I had Lucy, I started researching and reaching out to people who had adopted. There are many ways to go about adoption. You can adopt internationally, go through foster care, or adopt within the United

Christian Adoption Agency Florida

Do you wonder if adoption is right for you and your baby? Just because you contact a CFS Caseworker does not mean you have to know whether you definitely want to make an adoption plan or not. You’re just getting information and trying to understand the process. We are a Christian Adoption agency in Florida.

Know my state.
Know my options.