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I Took Drugs. Will Anyone Adopt My Baby?

If you’re considering making an adoption plan but have taken drugs during your pregnancy, there is good news and hope. A loving adoptive family will still want to adopt your baby.  While a mother’s drug use can have long-lasting effects on a baby, treatments and therapy are available, and many adoptive families are willing to

What’s It Like Having Someone Else Raise Your Baby?

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption, you’re probably full of questions. You might wonder what it’s like to have someone else raise your baby and what to expect emotionally after making an adoption decision.  While every woman and her emotional reaction to adoption will be different, there are certain factors to consider

My Family Says Adoption Is Giving Up. Is That True?

Adoption is a selfless act, a powerful act that gives your pregnancy a future. Choosing adoption for your pregnancy does not mean that you’re giving up. Instead, it is a brave decision that puts your pregnancy first.  If you’re considering adoption and worried that your family won’t support your decision, read on to learn strategies

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