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Adoption is still misunderstood. We would like to share the positive stories about adoption that we witness. As a Florida adoption agency, we want you to know about the option of adoption. If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, you can create an adoption plan with CFS without having to worry about your child ever going to Foster Care.

In fact, you can even choose and meet the Adoptive Family yourself, if that’s what you wish. You can also choose if you want ongoing contact with your child after he/she is born. Each adoption plan is unique, because YOU are unique, and YOU are the person who decides what that looks like. Caseworkers are available to help guide you through the process, answering any questions you may have.

You can also take comfort in the fact that each of our waiting families are already Home Study approved, have had extensive background checks (including Federal, State, Local, Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Registries), and have several references from people in all areas of their life (family, employers, Church leaders, etc.). CFS also takes the time to get to know our adoptive families personally and does in-house training with them.

It is never too late to create an adoption plan. Some women call us from the hospital or after they’ve taken the baby home. You can still decide what your adoption looks like. We also get calls from parents after DCF has been involved and removed their kid(s) from their home. Depending on your situation, and as long as your parental rights have not been terminated, CFS can often still help you create an adoption plan.

Expectant mothers who want to know more about adoption for their child are welcome to reach out to a caseworker. We are here to answer any questions you may have and assist you throughout your pregnancy. For more information, you can call CFS toll-free at 800-226-2367 or text us at 352-600-2138.

Know my state.
Know my options.