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Courage during an Unplanned Pregnancy

Consider the benefits of discussing unplanned pregnancy options with CFS. We are a non-profit, ministry focused, adoption agency in Florida. CFS can provide an expectant mother with pregnancy help.

A Special Love

A CFS Mom honors her child’s First Mom by recalling how love triumphed over fear. A Sentimental Remembrance of two little girls who were placed for adoption through CFS. When CFS Counselors meet with expectant mothers, we offer non-judgmental counseling concerning their unplanned pregnancy. If adoption is chosen, then we offer qualified Adoptive Families, like the one who shared her thoughts in this blog.

Englewood Christian Church interview with Jerry Callens of CFS

Pete Ramsey of Englewood Christian Church in Jacksonville, FL sits down with Jerry Callens, Executive Director of CFS (CFS). They discuss how CFS assists women with their pregnancy.

Not Alike!

Caseworkers at CFS will prepare you, as best as we can, on what to expect and what you may feel when placing your child for adoption. We want to help make sure your adoption plan looks the way you want it to, which includes your baby never entering the Foster Care System.

Pregnancy Help

Consider the benefits of working with CFS, a non-profit, ministry focused, adoption agency in Florida. CFS can provide an expectant mother with pregnancy help.

Unintended Pregnancy

CFS caseworkers respect your confidentiality and communicate with you in the manner you wish. We are here here for pregnancy options for expectant mothers.

Who is CFS?

In over 40 years of service, CFS has been contacted by thousands of women experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Several of that number met with a CFS caseworker. A portion of them made an adoption plan, and a fraction of them chose to place their child for adoption.

Bible Classes…

Unplanned pregnancy? A Birth Mother’s choice to put her baby’s future first is a true example of Love. To choose life, to choose adoption, to trust God and His plan to provide a family for her child-this is the trust of a Birth Mother!

Compassion for Birth Mothers

It is difficult to imagine God loving us so much that He would sacrificially GIVE the sinful world His only son. Women with an unplanned pregnancy find themselves in a similar situation. They already love their baby more that words can express. They absolutely want the very best for their child. She also wants to satisfy her own desire to love and parent this child. What’s a mother to do when all of these factors cannot be satisfied the same?

Why should I work with your agency?

Adoption agencies are not all alike. Case Workers at CFS want to serve you, as an expectant mother with an unplanned pregnancy, and give you options for you and your baby.

Know my state.
Know my options.