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Open Letter to Our Daughter’s Birth Mom

Dear Birth Mom “M”, Sorry it has taken so long for me to write. I have tried to start this many times and stop because I’m not sure what to say. So first thing I need to say is thank you for picking our family. I can not imagine how hard of a choice it

A Grand Adventure – CFS Family Times

When a child is expected, we feel that “A grand adventure is about to begin.” The same can be said of a vacation! A few weeks ago, CFS experienced both – the birth of 2 babies and 1 vacation – the same week! In this recount of placements and vacation – see WHO had the adventure!

What Do Adoptive Families Think of Birth Moms?

We felt early in our marriage God had plans for us to adopt a child into our family one day. Over the next seven years, we explored every form of adoption including international, domestic, and foster to adopt. We always had adoption on our minds but also assumed it would happen later in life. Meanwhile,

CFS: Teen Pregnancy & Parenting Support

Caseworker Jasmine was in a meeting with an adoptive family when Donna told her she needed to take this call. A hospital social worker was on the phone from North Florida Regional Medical Center in Gainesville. She quickly briefed Jasmine on why she was calling, and the urgency at which she needed a response. A

A Fundraiser for a Non-Profit

ALL the proceeds of the Game Day Parking Fundraiser assist women in Florida who are in need of pregnancy help! Funds provide options counseling for women, for them to consider putting their baby up for adoption.

As a Florida Adoption Agency, CFS is licensed to provide “adoption in Florida.” Game Day Parking provides the essential funds to keep our license current, our phones available for expectant mothers to call or text caseworkers, and fuel for our caseworkers’ vehicles to meet with Expectant Moms – and Dads! – in need of pregnancy help in Florida!

Adoptive Family Review!

We have been so blessed by our experience with CFS! When researching adoption agencies prior to choosing one, it was just as important that we find an agency who cared deeply about birth mothers as it was an agency that worked well with adoptive families. Well we can tell you first hand, the CFS team

Giving up my baby

Do you wonder if adoption is right for you and your baby? Just because you contact a CFS Caseworker does not mean you have to know whether you definitely want to make an adoption plan or not. You’re just getting information and trying to understand the process.

Pregnancy Options

When Tonya discovered her unplanned pregnancy, she needed pregnancy options. Abortion came to her mind, and then, adoption. Listen to Tonya’s words on why adoption was right for her.

The Easter Basket

On Saturday, April 3rd, James and I were at home with Marranda (she had come to visit and spend the night) getting ready to head to James’ parents house for an Easter egg hunt when the phone rang. It was 9 a.m. when Jerry called us and our lives as we knew them changed forever.


We recognize that God provided for CFS, through YOU. Thank you for allowing Caseworkers to be available to clients who were already in a tough situation, and who needed non-judgmental advice given in His Love.

Know my state.
Know my options.