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In Her Words – from a Birth Mom

I am not saying my entire pregnancy was horrible, I had moments when I would look down and just praise God for the miracle inside of me. I knew (with God’s guidance) that adoption was the best option for her [my baby], my family, and me.

Non-Profit Adoption

As a non-profit adoption agency, we counsel birth mothers. There is no pressure to make a quick decision with your unplanned pregnancy. We want you to know that adoption is not abandoning your child, and want you to know the resources available to you should you parent.

Adoption is not Foster Care

If you’re a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy, stop and breathe, because you have more options for your child than you realize.

Fearful of Adoption

If you’re a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy, stop and breathe, because you have more options for your child than you realize.

Adoption: A Mother’s 3rd Option

Having an unplanned pregnancy in 2019 is quite different than it was in 1950. There are options. Expectant mothers can parent their child, a legal option would be abortion, or newborns may be placed with another family for adoption. Unlike the past, there are community resources available to single mothers. As the media has made

Know my state.
Know my options.