Fundraisers and Unplanned Pregnancy
ALL the proceeds of the Game Day Parking Fundraiser assist women in Florida who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy! If 0.23% of the people who gather at The Swamp park their vehicle at Game Day Parking, our lot would sell out. One day of proceeds from a “sell-out” would provide funds to keep THIS blog viewable, the CFS website and advertising in place for two months (so we can REACH women considering newborn adoption).
Adoption In Her Words – Unplanned Pregnancy
I am a mother who actually went through the adoption process in order to give my beautiful baby girl the chance at the life she deserved. Adoption is not right for all mothers and in the end you really have to search your own feelings and pray for God’s guidance. Place it in God’s hands and you will know what is right for you.
Adoption: A Mother’s 3rd Option
Having an unplanned pregnancy in 2019 is quite different than it was in 1950. There are options. Expectant mothers can parent their child, a legal option would be abortion, or newborns may be placed with another family for adoption. Unlike the past, there are community resources available to single mothers. As the media has made
Brad’s Birth Father, Our Journey with Brad
A couple of days after he was born, we welcomed Brad into our home as a foster child. Thirty-Nine years later, I just finished reading through the Facebook thread of my son, Brad, and my heart is touched by the outpouring of love and good wishes from Brad’s birth father and all the family members Brad didn’t know about.
Unplanned Pregnancy: Abortion or Adoption?
In light of New York’s new law allowing abortion at any time up to the birth of the child, I’m more thankful than ever to work in a place that gives women another option, and their babies the chance to live. An unplanned pregnancy doesn’t have to be the end. An unplanned pregnancy doesn’t have
Adoption and the CFS edition of the 12 days of Christmas!
Between Christian Family Service’s recent 500th Adoption in Florida and the spirit of Christmas around us, we want to reflect back on some of the incredible stories over the last 40 years – stories only God could design – through the CFS 12 Days of Christmas! Every expectant mother makes choices to give her child